Star writing paper
Personal Commentary Essay Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Quality Assessment Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Quality Assessment Plan - Assignment Example We set out a technique of appraisal inside an arrangement that likewise incorporates documentation of where our coaches are satisfying the guidelines, and where this isn't going on. This gives us data on how we may improve our mentors' presentation, after which we would refine the evaluation strategy and rehash the procedure. In spite of the fact that we anticipate that our coaches should add to making new courses and educational plans, in this evaluation plan we need to know whether they give successful preparing. Our coaches manage a specific cross-segment of individuals here in the foundation. Understudies are grown-up, regardless of whether they are for the most part still youthful and, generally, they learn like grown-ups. That implies that they have greater personalities, are less ready to face challenges and have some unmistakable desires. For our coaches, regularly well up on their specialized subjects, the test is on how they educate, not what they instruct. We have to see our coaches manage things like awful related involvements in customary training or blended sentiments about power. We have to see them utilize class learning through gathering conversations, open-finished inquiries and positive trade of input. To begin the procedure for characterizing learning destinations for the coaches themselves, assessors from this division as of late made a requirements investigation concerning the mentors. From this needs examination, it turned out to be clear indeed that our mentors need to deal with a class to create understudies that have great odds of getting business. Specifically, we list the accompanying learning targets for our mentors along with required gauges of result: Mentors working with youngsters to prepare them in the establishment and support of plumbing and warming frameworks have ten learning destinations themselves: Mentor's target Estimated by standard making of a persuading learning condition understudy participation rate far beyond the legal least for drawing joblessness advantage 1 additional hour out of each day concentrating understudy consideration on the goal of finding a new line of work the quantity of prospective employee meetings produced from course Normal of 2 meetings for each understudy increment of understudy maintenance of data Composed test for understudies 90% of understudies show improvement over the base pass-rate figure out how to guarantee progress is being made Proceeding with evaluation of understudies See separate rating sheet handle potential clashes Quickness of goals Close to 2 minutes the most effective method to oversee distinctive learning speeds among understudies Coursework achieved for class by and large Finish 90% or a greater amount of coursework for all understudies step by step instructions to oversee distinctive learning aptitudes/styles among understudies Coursework achieved for course when all is said in done Finish 90% or a greater amount of coursework for all understudies keeping up the correct degree of class discipline Speed, pace of progress Day by day coursework achieved to 95% or more encouraging class conversation Give and take criticism 3 substantial criticisms given and 3 got every day empowering understudy investment How much understudies contribute Every understudy to add to three conversations per day What does this arrangement do
Saturday, August 22, 2020
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel in Spanish
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel in Spanish Here is a Spanish variant of the mainstream Christmas song and Advent psalm O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The melody, whose creator is obscure, comes initially from Latin, dating to around the eleventh century, and is known in both English and Spanish in various adaptations. This Spanish form is one of the most mainstream.  ¡Oh ven!,  ¡Oh ven, Emanuel!  ¡Oh ven!,  ¡Oh ven, Emanuel!Libra al cautivo Israel,Que sufre desterrado aquà ,Y espera al Hijo de David. Estribillo: ¡Alà ©grate, gracious Israel!Vendr, ya viene Emanuel.  ¡Oh ven, Tã º, Vara de Isaà !Redime al pueblo infelizDel poderã o infernalY danos vida heavenly.  ¡Oh ven, Tã º, Aurora celestial!Alà ºmbranos con tu verdad,Disipa toda oscuridad,Y danos dã as de solaz.  ¡Oh ven, Tã º, Llave de David!Abre el celeste hogar feliz;Haz que lleguemos bien all,Y cierra el paso a la maldad. English Translation of Spanish Version Goodness come! Goodness come, Emmanuel!Free hostage IsraelWhich here endures, displaced,And sits tight for the Son of David. Chorus:Be cheerful, O Israel!He will come, Emmanuel is coming. O come, You, Rod of IsraelRedeem the troubled peopleFrom hells powerAnd give us sublime life. O You, come, divine light of dawn!Illuminate us with your truth,Dispel all darkness,And give us long stretches of comfort. O come, You, Davids Key.Open the glad sublime home.Make it so we show up there well,And close the pathâ to insidious. Interpretation Notes Gracious: This interposition for the most part communicates astonishment or satisfaction, so it isnt consistently what might be compared to goodness. It is definitely more typical in lovely composition than in ordinary discourse. Ven: The Spanish action word venir, generally significance to come is exceptionally sporadic. Ven is the solitary, recognizable basic structure, so in Spanish this melody unambiguously is composed as though addressing Emanuel. Emanuel: The Spanish word here is an individual name transliterated from Hebrew, which means God is with us. The name is as yet utilized today, oftenâ in the abbreviated type of Manuel. In Christianity, the name typically alludes to Jesus. Libra: This is the singularâ familiar basic type of librar, which means to allowed to free. Al: Al is a withdrawal of a (to) and el (the). The utilization of the individual a here indicatesâ that Israel is being represented. Desterrado: The descriptive word desterrado is gotten from the thing tierra, which means Earth. In this specific situation, it implies banished, alluding to somebody expelled from their country. In casual settings, it can mean ousted. Danos: It is basic to join object pronouns to action words in the basic mind-set. Here the pronoun nos, or us, is connected to basic of dar. Tã º: The recognizable type of you is utilized all through this song as the pronoun Spanish-speaking Christians use in supplication. Vara de Isaã : A vara is a bar or stick. Isaã is aâ poetically abbreviated type of the name Isaã as, or Isaiah. The reference here is to Isaiah 11:1 in the Christian Old Testament that there will approach a pole out of the stem of Jesse. Christians have deciphered this as a prediction of the Messiah, whom they accept to be Jesus. In the normal English form of this song, the line is Come O pole of Jesses stem. Redime: From the action word redimir, to reclaim. Alã ©grate: From the reflexive type of the action word alegrar. Aurora: The aurora is the main light of first light. In the English rendition, Dayspring is utilized here. Alumbranos: Alumbrarâ means to illuminate or to give light. Disipar: Although this action word can be made an interpretation of as to disperse, with regards to this tune it is better made an interpretation of as to dispose of or to dissipate. Oscuridad: This word can mean lack of clarity, as while alluding thoughts. In any case, it undeniably more frequently implies dimness. The related modifier is oscuro. Solaz: In certain unique situations, solaz alludes to rest or unwinding. Llave de David: This expression, which means key of David, is a reference to an Old Testament section, Isaiah 22:22, which Christians have comprehended to allude emblematically to the authority of the coming Messiah. Lleguemos: This action word for is a case of the subjunctive state of mind. Llegar is a typical action word significance to show up. Note that llegar is sporadic in light of the fact that the - g-of the stem changes to - gu-when followed by an e to keep up the right articulation. Celeste: Here, this word has the significance of heavenly. Nonetheless, in different settings it can allude to the blue shade of the sky. Haz: This is a sporadic type of hacer.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Texting While Driving Persuasive Essay
Texting While Driving Persuasive Essay A persuasive essay is one of the most frequently assigned papers at all academic levels. Starting from junior high school, you will be writing persuasive essays on all kinds of topics. And, of course, texting while driving is always a painful issue, so there is a good chance you’ll be assigned a texting while driving essay at one point or another. If that’s the case, don’t panic. Even though it seems that there is nothing much to say about this phenomenon (Texting while driving is bad. Period.), with some digging you will be able to produce arguments that will work well in your paper. To write a persuasive essay about texting while driving you will need to do two kinds of preparations: review the instructions on writing a persuasive essay and then make sure you are knowledgeable of the topic. We can definitely help you with the first part. Persuasive writing: review A persuasive paper is a paper where you have to formulate a certain point of view and then produce all the necessary arguments to convince your reader to share your point of view. In their simplest form, persuasive essays are for and against essays, so you could take a stand for or against something related to texting while driving â€" e.g. stricter legislative regulation or preventive measures. In persuasive writing, logic and reason are to be used to support the main statement. The arguments used can range from facts, to quotes, to expert opinions â€" whatever works best in a certain context. Steps of persuasive writing There are a few steps to follow in persuasive writing â€" you can consider them the persuasive writing algorithm, if you want. Choose the stance to take In the texting while driving essay, define your general position and then go into more details. Too general a stance will not work effectively enough (“texting while driving is badâ€), but if it’s unusual, e.g. if you are going against the generally accepted public opinion, a general statement might be acceptable. Research the topic (obviously) The main (or even only) focus of any persuasive paper is on producing arguments that are solid enough to support your point of view. Even if your reader, whoever it will be, doesn’t’ agree with you, they will be impressed by the depth of your thinking. Lay out the structure of your paper It usually follows the general outline with body paragraphs dedicated to individual arguments. INTRODUCTION (with an attention hook, some background information, and a thesis statement) BODY PARAGRAPHS (start every paragraph with a summarizing sentence and then elaborate on it by producing details) CONCLUSION (summarize the issue) Write the first draft Then do multiple rounds of edits of your essay about texting while driving. Rules to follow and techniques to use in building your argument Follow these general recommendations to guide your efforts: Read extensively on the topic, because you risk missing something if you don’t. Getting all the available information on the topic might seem time- and labor-consuming, but it will help you to better shape your argument. See if your thesis statement is debatable. Are there likely to be people who can disagree with you? Will the discussion be heated? The more debatable your thesis statement is, the better. Include the opposing arguments in your paper. They are often inserted into body paragraphs and refuted right there and then. In doing so, make sure you are able to refute such opposing arguments and don’t risk undermining your entire line of argumentation. There are some recognized techniques used to persuade your readers that you can use freely in your paper. You could reiterate your thesis in different formulations, planting it into the head of your reader. It’s an advertising technique, but it works just as well for any kind of persuasive writing. There is also the social validation technique, where you support your statement with quotations to show that you are not the only one who thinks so. Finally, there is the stressing the pain points technique, used to create the feeling of urgency of the topic you are writing about. Use appropriate transitions between arguments and points of view. “In contrastâ€, “to support this point of view†and many others will help you navigate your readers through the wilderness of your paper, even if the train of thought seems absolutely clear to you. The urgency of the topic The benefit of writing a persuasive essay about texting while driving is that it’s a quite urgent issue and a debatable one at that. There are people who think they should be allowed to do whatever they want while driving and there are apparent dangers to that. Again, if you are not going against the well-established truth that texting while driving is too dangerous, it is better to go with a more specific stance, e.g. the regulation, the sanctions, etc. Statistics works like a charm in persuasive writing â€" what can better illustrate your point than cold hard facts? There are some astonishing stats in the texting while driving area, and you should dig to unravel them. When formulating your thesis statement at the very beginning, you can do an old trick: ask a friend if they think it could be debated. You might have a skewed opinion of a thesis statement, so a fresh look is always desirable. And here is one last piece of advice: always read your prompt carefully and know what is expected from you. The most brilliant of papers will not get the grade it deserves if some requirements to writing it haven’t been met. Look through the prompts for your essay about texting while driving before you start doing anything related to it, then look it through while writing, and finally take another look at the very end. Details might easily slip your attention, and you can’t afford to have all your efforts sent down the drain because of the wrong formatting or citation style. The more general driving safety topic is a rather widely discussed one, so you shouldn’t have any problems finding relevant information to do the research. Remember to use only up-to-date sources and cite them appropriately so that your use of some else’s work doesn’t qualify as plagiarism. The benefit of persuasive writing is that it has real-life applications, so the faster your master this skill, the better. And like in many other fields, the skill comes with practice.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Importance Of Technology, The Future Of Education
Technology is the Future of Education Do you remember when you had to plug a cable into the phone jack then plug that cord into the computer just to use the dial up internet? How about when you called someone who was currently on the dial up internet, the phone would make that dreadful noise because when using dial up internet you couldn’t use the phone and the internet at the same time. Then times changed and wireless internet came out and wasn’t that just the best creation ever. Who knew you could talk on the phone and use the internet? Not long after wireless internet came out high-speed internet was created as well. Not only could you talk on the phone and be on the internet, but you could do all of this in HIGH SPEED. With the†¦show more content†¦A skill that a teacher must have is that they have a love for learning and by that they should learn from their students as well. Bergen then says how she thought it â€Å"would be useful to look at technology i n teaching from the perspective of an â€Å"expert†the kind of expert whom teachers encounter daily in their classrooms: their student†(Bergen, 1999, p.116). This is such a great experience for teachers because their students can help them learn as well. Technology bonds the relationship of both the teacher and the student. Higher Education Starts with Technology The 21st century is all technology, phones, computers, and televisions. They are everywhere and students need become technologically sound because this will help them adapt our every changing society. In the journal The Lecture: A Teaching Strategy through the Looking Glass writes â€Å"specifically if a student does not have a computer and does not have access to the internet they are at a disadvantage and in more recent time†(Perrin, Laing, 2014 p.67-77). If students do not have a computer they will not do as well as other students who do. Students will comprehend what they learn if they are engaged with the subject they are studying. Technology helps keep students engaged according to according to the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics who has done research on secondaryShow MoreRelatedComputer Technology : A Educational Study1391 Words  | 6 Pageseducational study, an analysis of the †futuristic student†will define the increasing importance of computerized education as a way to dictate the needs of the student in the increasing role of information technology (IT) in the 21st contrary. In modern schools, the necessity of computerized education will provide stude4nts of the future with the necessary skills to participate in jobs related to this field of technology. Computers will become a more central part of educational curriculums, since theRead MoreAs Some Schools Plunge Into Technology, Poor Schools Are1257 Words  | 6 Pagesplunge into technology, poor schools are left behind. (2012, January 24). Retrieved March 10, 2017. In this article, the authors indicate that students in high-poverty schools lack education because of the absence of technology in the schools. They explained that students who do not have the experience with technology fall behind academically compared to wealthier students. They discussed the importance of technology for the students’ learning and they believe that without technology the studentsRead MoreThe Role Of Educational Technology And The Philosophy Of Education918 Words  | 4 PagesTechnology Philosophy The role of educational technology is of great importance because it upgrades the utilization of technology to enhance instructional delivery and provide students, teachers, and administrators with the competencies of software programs, Internet resources, and course management systems for curriculum design and distance learning (Leomiti, 2017). Education has an immense impact on human society. In fact, many believe a good education can secure a better future. Furthermore,Read MoreThe Importance Of Digital Writing1613 Words  | 7 Pageslaptop, or a home desktop computer. The constant upgrading in technology has transformed our world as we know it. The advancements in digital writing ,even with it’s challenges, has a grave importance in education and in many career fields. To begin, digital writing has a hefty importance in both schools and in many careers. In the article â€Å"What is Digital Writing and Why Does it Matter†, explains what digital writing is and what importance it has on our everyday lives (NWP 1). According to the NationalRead MoreReasons For Trust Or Distrust Universities1647 Words  | 7 PagesSamin Saju (Sam) Eng Acad Discourse I 12 October 2015 Paper 2 Draft 2 Prof. Cusumano Reasons to Trust or Distrust Universities to Provide Effective Ethical Education All the college students are expected to know the principles of ethics and morals without a lecture. 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This is important because computer science compels students to create problem to solving thusRead MoreComparison contrast essay on the perspectives of Neil Postman and Thomas Friedman on technology and education1093 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Topic: Comparison-contrast essay on the perspectives of Neil Postman and Thomas Friedman on technology and education Final Draft        Thomas Friedman and Neil Postman both have strong beliefs as it pertains to technology and education. However each of their respective opinions contains minimal similarities and a vast amount of differences. Friedman and Postman both recognize that incorporating technology into the learning process is beneficial to students. However the volume in which these resourcesRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On Education And Developing The Educational Process1280 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the entire history of mankind, education has been by far one of the most important pillars of any human’s life. With education, we gain knowledge, awareness, and skills, in which we then are capable for success and achieving our ambitions. However, technology has played an essential role in enhancing and developing the educational process. Written in Frederick Douglass’s essay, â€Å"Learning to Read†, he describes his extraordinary tale from an unedu cated slave to a prominent writer of his
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultural Relativism vs. Ethnocentism - which is more...
To view one’s own culture as the universal by which all others are judged would be ultimately subjective, as our perceptions of cultural differences are shaped largely by our immersion in our own culture. An ethnocentric approach stems from judging an alternate culture in relation to one’s own pre-conceived cultural values, held to be superior; the parallax phenomenon, the inability to escape our own biases, prevents objective analysis of different cultures. A cultural relativist maintains the post-modernist view that there is no moral or cultural high-ground with which to judge one culture in relation to another, thus each culture must be understood from its own perspective, and within its own context. Some practices may appear bizarre†¦show more content†¦This view would be essentially subjective, as it relies upon the biases of the observer; the judgement is superficial and does not require any further understanding of the context of the Trobriand’s f ears. From a cultural relativist’s perspective, the subject requires contextual understanding before judgement. The Islanders’ history of attack from rival Dobu islanders with a propensity for cannibalism caused Trobriand society to maintain powerful political controls to protect the society from outside infiltration (Glass, 1988, p57). Rigid controls on bodily hair and gender segregation, although strange to a Western observer, are just symptoms of a society’s survival mechanisms. Through relativism, logical and objective deductions can be made about practices that would be seemingly inferior from a partisan, ethnocentric viewpoint. The radical implication of cultural relativism is that every cultural practice or belief requires an attempt to understand it from a sympathetic perspective, no matter how abhorrent the practice may seem (Greenwood amp; Stini, 1977, p182, as cited in Schultz amp; Lavenda, 2005, p25). However, relativistic thinking does not give free licence and acceptance to all practices; for example, female genital mutilation. There are boundaries drawn by cross-cultural universal values that require an observer to question why a cultural group practices
Google Case Ethical Principle Free Essays
It is rather difficult to talk about ethics as it involves different point of view based on different moral standards one has and based on different ethical principles one uses. This Google China-cases mostly talks about the ethical dilemma faced by the company, whether it should obey the local law or put its global ethical standards as its best interest. Obeying the local law will push them to do self-censoring, which then raise many criticism internationally. We will write a custom essay sample on Google Case: Ethical Principle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Based on ‘cultural relativism’, it is said that ethics are nothing more than the reflection of a culture – all ethics are culturally determined, so that each firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating. It has been explained before that China has an totalitarian political system contrasts with the Western culture which supports civil rights and liberties. So, based on this theory, doing self-censoring may be considered as ethical. However, this pragmatic view won’t be very suitable for justifying an action. The restriction from the Chinese government regarding some sensitive political themes may be recognized by some international people as denying the human rights. Here, based on the rights theories, human beings have fundamental rights which establish a minimum level of morally acceptable behavior. Because of the censoring, Chinese people lose their freedom of speech, especially less freedom in receiving information. However, it is part of their law and political system, which should be accepted by every company who wants to conduct business in China. Some Chinese people have accustomed with the censorship, not consider it as violating human rights, and support it for the sake of the nation. By self-censoring their website, Google is complicit with the Chinese government’s effort to restrict the freedom of speech. According to ‘Kantian ethics’, it is wrong toward treating people as means, since people should be treated as ends and never as means to the ends of others. When deciding that the benefits of operating in China outweighed the costs, Google used the ‘utilitarian approaches’. It holds that the moral worth of actions is determined by their consequences. An action will be judged as ethical and desirable if the balance of best consequences are over the bad consequences. What are the benefits and the costs should be measured carefully by Google. Google claimed that ‘Google. cn’ would provide better internet service to its customers in China while making more profit for the company. It also raised ethical awareness by making its users aware that some results were omitted, thus also put pressure on the other companies to do the same. In addition, it is better to give Chinese users access to information, than to none at all. Those practical and ethical benefits combined with the increasing profit has been considered by Google as outweighing the negative effects of censorship. The negative effects for the company might be criticism for the inconsistence with the ‘Don’t be Evil’ motto. For Chinese people, I think, there will be no significant net negative effects as the Chinese users will still get the censored search results, since the government would block the contents using the â€Å"Great Firewall†. After months criticism, Google shut down its Google. cn. It tried to regain its integrity and to protests implicitly the censorship in China. The reasons might come because it realized it couldn’t give better services to Chinese users due to many problems, it had denied the human rights, and also it gained the lower market share and profit rather than expected. It made greater harm for the company. In my opinion, China has different culture and law that should be considered before a company conduct business there. Each company should obey the rules in which it is operating. Censoring is considered as denying human rights in many parts of the world – especially USA, but in China it should be done in order to gain greater advantages for the whole nation. The problem here is because Google has basic ethical principle of ‘Don’t be Evil’ which contradict this kind of action. Moreover, it won’t influence much to Chinese users whether Google stays there or not, as it has better local search engine – Baidu. That is why, considering the condition and all the consequences, it is better for Google to leave China. Next, we can analyze this case based on Kantian perspective called ‘Universalizability’. It means that the companies have the duty to commit only those actions which could be universally applied. It can be demonstrated by the question: â€Å"What if every company agreed to self-censor in order to gain access to China? †. The answer is there will be unbeatable suppression of rights of freedom of speech and information. On the opposite question, the multinational corporations may influence the societal change and perhaps will improve the level of freedom of speech in China. How to cite Google Case: Ethical Principle, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Nutrition and Conclusion Obesity free essay sample
Obesity is a major health issue among children and adults today. b. When people take the initiative to talk to their doctors about their obesity, implement healthy eating and living habits in their daily lives, and continue to practice healthy habits after losing weight, they will tip the scales on obesity. I. Check-ups are necessary, not an option. c. People should be active in in finding health care for themselves and their families. d. Parents should become comfortable talking with doctors about children and their eating habits. Adults should be comfortable talking with doctors about their eating habits. II. What are diets and exercise options for children? f. What are you doing at home to keep your child from becoming obese or fight their current obesity? g. What are schools doing to fight childhood obesity? h. What are communities doing to fight childhood obesity? III. What are diets and exercise options for adults? i. We will write a custom essay sample on Nutrition and Conclusion Obesity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What are you doing at home to yourself from becoming obese or fight your current obesity? j. What options do you have at work or college/university to fight obesity? k. How often do you participate in community initiatives for adults? IV. How do you and/or your child stay in control of obesity once you have found a routine that works? l. Are doctor visits still necessary? m. People should learn how to move from a strenuous to stable exercise routine. n. People should maintain healthy diets. o. People should learn how to reward themselves for staying on track. V. Conclusion Obesity Obesity as we know it is a major health issue among children and adults today in the United States. It has been a challenging fight for many years, but there is a way to knock out obesity. We all can win, but first we have to get in the fight. Obesity is a trending topic that often touches home for many. We often put the blame on others, but where should we really find fault? Sometimes when we analyze ourselves; we can find the answer as clear as taking a look in the mirror. As human beings we often make bad choices. I will share with you a few helpful tips that you too may be able to use to tip the scale. Like a fighter works with their trainer; we must take the initiative and work with our doctor if we want to conquer obesity. One way we can do this is by implementing healthy eating and living habits. We must also continue to practice healthy habits after losing weight. As an African American, I am at greater risk for facing the fight with obesity. â€Å"African American women have the highest prevalence of hypertension and obesity compared to other ethnic groups in the United States†. (Taylor Jacquelyn Y. , 2013). If we all work on ourselves individually; together we will surely tip the scale on obesity. Losing weight helps to reduce obesity. It is one health problem that many Americans need to take control of. Taking regular check-ups can keep you informed on your health. In my opinion everyone should get the care that is needed to ensure a healthier lifestyle. Parents should ensure that the whole family is healthy by scheduling family check- ups. The doctor can give you many helpful tips that can help you live a healthier lifestyle. There are many different options that can help you lose weight such as dieting, exercising, and surgery. Childhood obesity has become an epidemic. We have more overweight children than healthy ones. Some of this is due to our modern technology, and fast food. A great way for children to tip the scale on obesity is to get out and play. Playing helps burn calories as well as burn energy. Children should also have a balanced diet. Parents can ensure that their children are eating healthy by replacing candy with fruits. At supper time consider offering more vegetables and healthier foods. You can also include dancing for children since most of them enjoy this. I took the initiative to offer more fruits and vegetables to my child to maintain his health. At times, it gets very challenging to get a picky three year old to eat healthy, but I keep offering the vegetables anyway. As an adult who is battling obesity and high blood pressure I am taking a stand and eating better. I also make sure I get the exercise I need. Once you have found creative ways to help you lose weight the next steps that you would need to take is changing old habits. Change is always possible and a person is never too out of shape, overweight, or old to make healthy choices. There is no such thing as one size fits all approach. â€Å"Obesity has become a bigger threat to global health than child hunger, according to a major study. Obesity has become a true pandemic. In the United States, over two thirds of adults are obese or overweight†. (King, Bruce M. , 2012). Getting healthy and staying healthy can be a struggle. Doctor visits are necessary whether you are obese or not. If you develop a history with the doctor, this may help you maintain a healthier life. Learning to stay on track after weight loss is very important. As we all know weight gain is progressive, but losing weight is not that easy. People should learn to maintain a healthy diet. It is very important to stay focused and learn the proper way to treat yourself during weight loss. This can help motivate you, and this can even speed up your metabolism. Set a goal for yourself. After that goal is achieved then it is ok to treat yourself. This can motivate you to lose more weight and also help prevent you from binge eating. Obesity is at its best in America. Learning to tip the scale on obesity can save lives. Battling obesity in America can be a big task. We have a variety of foods to choose from; making it harder to lose weight. As a parent, and an African American, I am at a greater risk for obesity. I have always been accustomed to eating greasy fatty foods. Since I have never been the vegetable type; I am at a greater risk for things like obesity, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. â€Å"Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people and their familiesâ€â€especially African Americans who are at an even higher risk for this serious chronic condition†. (CDC, 2012). If we changed our way of eating and cooking, as well as take a stand to become healthier, then African Americans would be able to live a healthier lifestyle. Obesity is an epidemic; for many this is the fight of our lives that gets more serious each day. â€Å"Obesity is on the riseâ€â€more than 72 million adults in this country weigh more than they should and its making us sick. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, breast and colon cancers, and many other diseases can be prevented or managed with the important decision to lose weight†. (CDC, 2012). Many are not aware of the risk that comes with being obese. If we took the time to educate ourselves we could all win the last round of this fight, or in other words tip the scale on obesity. There has never been a better time to get in the fight against obesity than now and help put an end to it; while ensuring a better future at the same time.
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